Plastic on wood & digital print(A.I edited )
255cm x ∅45cm & 34cm x 25.5cm
In Exhibition : Turm 2
첫 메모
쌓아올린 구조물, 탑의 목적
물의 운반 관측 시간 등등
내가 하려는 탑은?
무슨 쌓임 목적?
근데 나는 이번에 목적이 없다면?
높이 도달하는 것만이 있다면?
Turm 1 : 결국 인간이 탑을 무너트리는 것이다
2 : 그럼에도 탑을 짓는.
유한함을 반복
어느 높이 도달 위한 노력. 그 노력은 다시 끌어내려짐
중력을 거스르는것
무너짐. 초기화돨 가능성을 내포
시도. 노력. 시간소모. 리스크.
삶. 도전정신.
인간이 중력을 거스르려 하는것. -> 인간의 방식으로 중력을 받아들이는 것 아닐까?
First note
Stacked structures, the purpose of the tower.
Transport water, Observation, Announce time, etc.
Which tower am I trying to build?
What is purpose of stacking?
What if I don’t have a purpose this time?
If there’s only reaching the height
Turm 1 : In the end, humans will collapse the tower
2 : And yet, building the tower.
Repeating the finite
An effort to reach a certain height.
That effort is pulled down again
Against gravity
Collapse. Including the possibility of being reset
Attempt. Effort. Time consumption. Risk.
Life. A spirit of challenge.
Humans trying to defy gravity. -> Isn’t it accepting gravity in a human way?

Note II
Building Tower. Very HUMAN behavior against the gravity with that risk. But we keep stacking up since the past and now. This temporary tower of exhibition, too.
I got one material from ancient and one in today’s just to make another temporary tower.
It’s obvious that it will loose its appearance somehow, someday. By gravity, by ending of this exhibition, or some other ways.
I brought one another material which will be used more often as time goes by.
And let the AI to script the future of this tower. But with “some other ways“ : get covered in spiled white paint.
Just the way I like to do and used to do, as a part of human who destroy things we got.